WHC is proudly a Weight Neutral facility.
Weight neutrality statement replaces our Health At Every Size (HAES) statement

November 10, 2023 – Winnipeg, MB: Women’s Health Clinic (WHC) is proud to announce a new Weight Neutrality position statement to replace our previous Health At Every Size (HAES) position statement. 

We acknowledge that HAES principles are a direct result of decades of advocacy by grassroots social move­ments. Rooted in weight-neutral and body liberation frameworks, they identify and challenge the social harms and negative health outcomes created by anti-fat bias and weight stigma. 

We engage in critical conversations about the language of HAES. We critique how the mainstream health care system’s emphasis on a broad pursuit of health, ignores how intersecting systems of oppression come together to create negative health outcomes. At WHC, we provide services from a weight-neutral approach. 

What is weight neutrality? 

We believe that all people should be free of discrimination. People of every weight, size, ability, and health status deserve acceptance, dignity, and respect. All have the right to appropriate, high quality health care. 

Body weight alone is not considered a valid measure of overall health or wellbeing. Our holistic approach to health and wellbeing also considers physical, mental, emotional, economic, spiritual, and cultural factors. 

Our weight neutral practice promotes: 

  • Social Justice
  • Client-centred care
  • Inclusion and access


Women’s Health Clinic is an inclusive, feminist community health clinic in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Since 1981, WHC has provided accessible woman-centred education and services, created strategic partnerships and advocated for system change.

For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact:

Kristen Einarson
Lead Communications Specialist, Women’s Health Clinic